Travel and tourism in nepal

Nepal is the country of mountains. the capital of Nepal is regarded as the city of the gods and goddess. the people worship gods and they respect tourist as the guest not less then gods and goddess . when you land on Tribhuvan airport you will find the real respect of the Nepalese people .the custom officer will respect you and lets you go without checking your bags. when you come out you will find several taxi drivers and hotel agents welcoming you . if you have already booked the Hotel the representative come there with the garland in their hands and welcome you. they will take you on their own car to the hotel. you will see different place of historical importance on the way.

you will be very happy to see the valley surrounded by green hills beyond that by white mountains. you'll find different cultural and historical place here. the transpiration system is also very fine here. you will find many kinds of vehicle you like you will find very very traditional as wall as modern house on the way. when you visit the countryside you will really be impressed by the selfless behaviors of the local people.they will entertain you with the different cultural programs without any cost. there will be no problems of lodging and fooding in the village the villager would take the chance to feed you as a kind of charm. when you return your home after one or two weeks you will never forget it.